I met Chrissy Rex of Rex Design Concepts, LLC when she was displaying her Living Ledge products in 2012 at the WISE Conference in Syracuse, NY. I was immediately struck by her professionalism and the coolness/usefulness of her product! Speaking with her for only a few minutes, I knew this was someone I wanted to not only stand behind as a business woman, but really get to know as a person as well.
Meeting a few times over the past two years at events and chatting with her through Facebook and email I have come to adore and respect her! I am honored and excited to watch her grow this business and see how her whole family is invested in its’ success. Chrissy’s dedication to the nearly four-year journey of patenting the product alone is inspiring.
Her responses to my questions below reveal her strength, tenacity, explorational nature, and true love for life and living things. She really “Lives on the Ledge” and enjoys every moment of the journey!
About the Business
- How did the idea for your business come about?
Living Ledge Vertical Garden System was invented from a dream that I had as a resolution to stop knocking herb pots off of my window sill onto the floor, making a huge mess and going to bed extremely frustrated the night of March 7, 2008. Over the course of the next few years, I built a the planter that I saw in my original dream, a prototype and used it while I researched and wrote a US Patent, submitting for examination and working with the USPTO Examiner as an Independent Inventor for about a year and a half. Manufacturing and websites for the product were secured and Rex Design Concepts, LLC was formed on November 11, 2011, as an internet based business model after I was confident I would be issued a US Patent for the intellectual property (notification of Patent allowance was issued January 7, 2012). Living Ledge was the primary product line until 2013 when we purchased a laser, built a studio, and took on in-house manufacturing of Living Ledge. With laser capability, we then introduced custom laser etching and engraving, manufacturing and fabrication of acrylic, wood, paper, and fabric products as a local/regional Upstate New York service based business.

A Living Ledge planter can be used inside AND outside the home, making it a much more creative, cost-effective option than traditional window boxes.
- How do you generate new ideas?
I work alone and in silence in my studio. It is like meditation for me.
- How do you define success?
Following your life’s passion to help yourself and others.
- What sacrifices have you had to make to be a successful entrepreneur?
My family has eaten dinner mainly on disposable dishes for the last three years! Dinners have been late, laundry not always done each week and some precious time that I probably should have spent with my children was spent working to grow our business. I am proud to say that both of my children know some of the sacrifice it takes to be an inventor and entrepreneur; they are respectful, responsible, confident, secure and just as proud of the family business and we are.
- If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Do not try to take everything on yourself or do everything in-house. If you are not prepared to hire associates to help when you start your business, evaluate hiring freelancers and take on student interns as a great way to relive some of the small business owner’s task oriented duties. This also can help to gain a fresh, new perspective of your business through someone else’s eyes.
- To what do you attribute your success?

By using a larger planter you can mix different kinds of herbs for snipping and seasoning from your window garden.
There are a few things…
- My husband/business partner and I have a 10 – 15 minute telephone huddle each day to talk about what needs to be done for the day and what events are happening for the remainder of the week. Expectations for each person are discussed and verbal action plans are initiated. Communication is the key to our business and life.
- My father-in-law and children’s participation to help in the studio is essential, especially during peak manufacturing times … It’s all hands on deck and we have a great time!
- Not being afraid of change or to simply follow through with the ideas that we have and direction we see our business going.
- My growing ability to clearly listen to my husband/business partner and mentors without being defensive about change, evaluating all opinions and making business decisions based on all the information as well as basic instinct and intuition.
- Think about the jobs you had before starting your business. What lesson, concept or idea did you bring into your entrepreneurial career from that job?
I have learned to never compromise my beliefs or ethics for any type of promotion and to work to maintain a high moral compass even if my stance is not the most popular.
About Chrissy Rex
- What would you name the autobiography of your life?
Growing Rules… Growing Up the Fun Way!
- What songs are included on the soundtrack to your life?
In this order…
With One More Look At You – Barbara Streisand
Where Is The Love – Black Eyed Peas
Just Fine – Mary J. Blige
We’re All Alone – Rita Coolidge
If The Sun Refused To Shine – Robert Plant/Jimmy Page
Sunshine – Babyface
Say Hey – Michael Franti & Spearhead
You and Me – Dave Matthews
- What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
The birth of my children and marriage to my husband are the best gifts bestowed upon me.
As far as tangible gifts… my two Rodney White paintings given to me by my husband and kids; rustic and beautifully philosophical. Rodney is my favorite artist.
- Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
Wayne Dyer
- What would constitute a perfect day for you?
A full day, on a sunny beach, with my family.
Fast Five – the fun stuff!
A beautiful walk to the studio; there’s nothing better than enjoying your work, unless it’s also enjoying the commute!
What are your two beverages of choice: mixed drinks, wine, beer, lemonade, soda, coffee, tea or water?
Water and Decaf Green Tea
- What was the first thing you bought with your own money?
I can’t remember what I ate yesterday, you expect me to remember that? LOL
- What is something you enjoy doing that you think no one would expect from you?
I love to weld. I’m not super great at it, but I love doing it!
- What’s your favorite season?
Summer – hands down!
- If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?
1920’s – People were fit, did not eat genetically modified food, naturally beautiful (none of this crazy plastic surgery), exquisitely dressed, were expected to have great manners and it seems that people enjoyed the simple things in life… reading, gardening, picnicking, strolling, and spending time with one another. Businesses were not open at night, on the weekends or on holidays and relationships were celebrated and treasured.
- Aside from food, water, and shelter, what one thing could you not go a day without?
- What movie, no matter how many times you’ve seen it, do you have to watch when it’s on?
Auntie Mame – the whole thing is fabulous!
- What is your favorite food?
Juniors Cheesecake – NYC or my Aunt Donna Kukowski’s Apple Topped Cheesecake – I guess the answer is cheesecake!
- What’s your favorite color?
- What’s your favorite animal?
Even tie between Boston Terriers and Chickens. I have a Boston Terrier, someday soon I will have chickens.